Gas fireplace shuts off and pilot goes out after that you need to insert the butane lighter into the gas tube.
Gas fireplace shuts off by itself.
If the flame is mostly yellow and is burning very lazy curling up in an almost vertical manner it is dirty and needs to be cleaned.
The fonz stomp jarred it loose.
A wad of wiring wow with the potential of becoming a wall switch seems to be the culprit.
The flame lifts away from the thermocouple and causes the temperature on the tip of the thermocouple to drop.
Turn off the pilot and let it cool.
I have a gas fireplace natural gas that shuts itself off the pilot too after it operates for about an hour.
The butane lighter is located near the center of the gas logs.
Take a long drinking straw.
When installed the wow was just left underneath as a lateroption with exposed ends that when touching the metal fireplace wall would cause a short and shut off the gas a safety feature.
When i remove the logs it operates longer for about two hours before it shuts down.